도큐사우루스 2.2
도큐사우루스 2.2를 소개하게 되어 무척 기쁩니다.
업그레이드 과정은 간단합니다. 도큐사우루스는 릴리스 프로세스 문서에 설명된 대로 시맨틱 버전 체계를 준수해 마이너 버전은 하위 호환성을 유지합니다.
Blog posts about Docusaurus' new releases
모든 태그 보기도큐사우루스 2.2를 소개하게 되어 무척 기쁩니다.
업그레이드 과정은 간단합니다. 도큐사우루스는 릴리스 프로세스 문서에 설명된 대로 시맨틱 버전 체계를 준수해 마이너 버전은 하위 호환성을 유지합니다.
We are happy to announce Docusaurus 2.1, our very first minor version release.
업그레이드 과정은 간단합니다. 도큐사우루스는 릴리스 프로세스 문서에 설명된 대로 시맨틱 버전 체계를 준수해 마이너 버전은 하위 호환성을 유지합니다.
Today we are extremely happy to finally announce Docusaurus 2.0! 🥳️
At Meta Open Source, we believe Docusaurus will help you build the best documentation websites with minimal effort, letting you focus on what really matters: writing the content.
After 4 years of work, 75 alphas and 22 betas, the next generation of Docusaurus is ready for prime time. From now on, we now plan to respect Semantic Versioning and will release major versions more frequently.
빨리 만나보고 싶나요? Check what's new in Docusaurus 2.0!
Docusaurus is a static site generator that helps you ship beautiful documentation websites in no time.
Focus on your content: just write Markdown files. Docusaurus will generate an optimized website for you that's easy to host anywhere.
Docusaurus is full-featured and very flexible: we ship with well-designed docs and blog layout, as well as out-of-the-box versioning, search, and internationalization functionalities, with a call to accessibility and search engine optimizations. Its flexible theming system permits to adapt the UI to match your branding so that it integrates nicely with your main website or documentation portal. Its usage of React enables a modern client-side navigation, and the ability to build an interactive documentation.
The Docusaurus philosophy is akin to the Pareto principle: you can get 80% of the results for 20% of the effort. This enables you to compete with top-notch documentation sites with minimal effort.
Docusaurus aims to be the best documentation tool, but you can use it for other use-cases as well: a blog, a knowledge base, a developer portfolio, a second brain, or even to scaffold landing pages!
Try Docusaurus now with our online playgrounds and 5 minutes tutorial ⏱️
Docusaurus was created at Facebook Open Source in 2017 (now Meta Open Source). 우리는 문서화가 필요한 수많은 내부, 오픈 소스 프로젝트를 가지고 있었습니다. It's complicated enough to write good documentation, let alone to create the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a good-looking website. We wanted project leaders to be able to focus on the content, and Markdown is great for that.
At that time, our solution was to copy/paste a Jekyll template over and over again. This naturally became hard to maintain, so we created a tool to solve our own pain once for all.
It quickly built momentum at Facebook and in the frontend ecosystem, adopted by many popular projects such as Prettier, Babel, React-Native, KaTeX, and of course Docusaurus v1 itself.
위의 샘플 사이트는 다른 색상을 사용하긴 하지만 서로 비슷하게 보이는 것을 주의 깊게 살펴봐주세요.
Docusaurus v1 has been very successful, but we started to question some architectural choices:
Docusaurus v2 was rebuilt from the ground up with a new modular architecture:
More details in the Docusaurus 2 project announcement and v1 to v2 migration guide
Despite being in pre-release, it didn't take long for Docusaurus v2 to outgrow Docusaurus v1 in terms of NPM downloads:
비슷한 주요 프레임워크와 비교해서 깃허브 스타 트렌드도 매우 긍정적입니다.
도큐사우루스 v2는 출시 전부터 이미 큰 성공을 거두고 있습니다.
Please add your site to our site showcase! It only takes a few seconds: just post a comment here.
도큐사우루스 v2에서 제공하는 모든 새로운 기능을 다 설명하는 것은 무리입니다. Let's focus on the features we believe are the most impactful.
MDX allows you to interleave React components in Markdown. This enables you to build top-notch interactive documentation experiences very easily.
데모로 먼저 확인해보시죠.
### Give it a try: press that button!
import ColorModeToggle from '@theme/ColorModeToggle';
MDX has its own plugin system. 원하는 대로 마크다운 작성 경험을 사용자 지정하고 여러분만의 마크다운 구문을 만들 수도 있습니다.
Our goal is to make Docusaurus very intuitive to use. 이를 파일 시스템 규칙에 반영해 마크다운 파일 하나를 만드는 것만큼 간단하게 문서 페이지를 추가할 수 있습니다.
Docusaurus now has a modular architecture with a plugin system — our core features like docs, blog, pages, and search are all powered by individual plugins.
More importantly, it enables our community to enhance Docusaurus with additional features.
몇 가지 사례를 살펴보죠.
We have a curated list of outstanding plugins in our community resources page.
Theming is one of the most important features of Docusaurus: we believe a professional documentation site should respect your company's branding and create a consistent experience.
Docusaurus theming gives a lot of flexibility on multiple levels:
This enables users willing to invest a bit more time on customizations to build sites that look different from others.
도큐사우루스 2에는 다음과 같이 다양하고 유용한 기능이 포함되어 있습니다.
options...Many enthusiastic followers of ours have been curious why it took us 4 years to release Docusaurus 2.0, considering the beta is already successful and widely used in production.
The reason is that we aim to respect Semantic Versioning, which means we will be incrementing the major version number whenever we release a breaking change.
이것은 여러 이유로 중요합니다.
The problem is that our flexible theming system inherently creates a very implicit API surface on which it is hard to know what is a breaking change in the first place. 고도로 사용자 정의된 도큐사우루스 사이트는 내부 API를 사용해 사용자 정의를 구현하기 때문에 때로는 도큐사우루스를 업그레이드하는데 어려움을 겪을 수 있습니다. We dedicated time to extensive theme refactors and clearly defining our public API, so that future code changes can be made more safely. 일반적인 사이트 사용자 정의 시에는 내부 API를 사용하지 않을 수 있게 공개된 테마 API를 계속 확장할 겁니다.
From now on, Docusaurus will release new major versions more frequently. In practice, you can expect a new major version every 2 to 4 months.
Major version numbers are not sacred, but we still group breaking changes together and avoid releasing major versions too often.
Check our release process documentation for details.
도큐사우루스 3.0에 대한 작업이 시작됐으며 다음 버전은 몇 개월 안에 릴리스 될 예정입니다. We will backport retro-compatible changes in Docusaurus 2.x minor versions to make them available as soon as possible to the community on a stable channel.
도큐사우루스의 향후 메이저 버전 로드맵에 포함된 기능은 아래와 같습니다.
We'd like to express our gratitude to all our contributors, including:
We'd like to thank in particular all our Docusaurus 2.0 early adopters for assessing its alpha, beta and canary releases, providing a ton of invaluable feedback. 좋은 경험이 되셨기를 진심으로 바라며 곧 공개될 도큐사우루스 3.0 시험판에 대한 피드백도 계속 제공해주시기 바랍니다.
At Meta Open Source, Docusaurus is one of our most successful projects. 여러분이 만들 모든 뛰어난 문서 웹 사이트를 만나보고 싶습니다! Don't forget to submit them to our site showcase!
Now, let your imagination run wild 🤪!
— 슬래시
After a lengthy alpha stage in order to ensure feature parity and quality, we are excited to officially release the first Docusaurus 2 beta.
With the announcement of this beta, the team is even more confident that Docusaurus 2 is ready for mainstream adoption!
Today, we officially release Docusaurus 2 i18n (internationalization), as part of 2.0.0-alpha.71.
Docusaurus 2 has now reached full feature parity with Docusaurus 1. 🎉 And soon, after a few additional infrastructure updates and a bit more testing, the first Docusaurus 2 beta will be released.
We went the extra mile, and the new i18n support is even better than in Docusaurus 1.
In this post, we will present you the translation workflow, explain some design decisions and showcase early adopter sites that just went live: Jest, Redwood, and Datagit.
We also dogfood the i18n support on the Docusaurus 2 site itself, and this post is already available in English and French!